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N: “Rossem?” L: “Yup?” N: “Where are you?” L: “Floor.” N: “What are you doing down there?” L: “Erik said for every 20 hours I work, I should take one hour of free time. That’s seven hours a week. So I’m taking one now.” N: “If you say so.” ... “Have you been watching the news?” L: “No, should I be?” N: “The rumor is that Eunic is boosting it’s navy, which could be bad for us.” L: “You’ve got a hand on that, right?” N: “Yeah, but I could use your help.” L: “I’m working remotely until Erik wakes up.” N: “And how long do you think that will be?” L: “I’m giving him a week.” N: “A week?! You can’t take a week vacation!” L: “It’s not- I’m just working from the hospital!” N: “But we need your guidance! You’re the linchpin of our whole department!” L: “What do you want from me? I just sent everyone very detailed emails.” N: “But-” L: “Nyem, I am your boss. If I didn’t think I could do my job from the comfort of this hospital room, I wouldn’t do it.” N: “I don’t think you can do it.” L: “What?” N: “Rossem, unlike everyone else, I won’t blindly support you. I think you’re making a mistake, and your affection for Erik is getting in the way. I’m surprised to see you acting so self.” L: “What?!” ... “Nyem- I- Selfish?! I’ve been working as the head of this country from the day I turned 15 to now, and I’ll continue working til the day I die. I have never taken a vacation day, and I have seen countless people lose their lives in front of my own, including my best friend. The least you can do is give me a week to process.” N: “You’re making a mistake.” L: “Maybe so. But I need to make it.” N: “Well, I hope it’s worth it...”