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?: -unintelligible- ?: “I’m just worried about him.” ?: “Me too, me too, but...” ?: “But what?” C: “He’s been in there for 3 days, Sara.” S: “He’s also been through a lot, Carl...” C: “My budgets don’t get passed by empty offices. Your checks don’t get signed by empty offices.” S: “Yes, but-” C: “I want him to be ok, too. I just don’t think leaving him alone is the right idea.” S: “Everyone wants Lisem to get well. But the only person he’ll open up to, is, well...” C: “Yeah.” S: “So in the meantime, let’s just let him work through this, and we’ll pick up the slack.” C: “Yeaah... He’s been going so long, it would be good for him to learn how to stop. In the meantime, we can pretend he’s still around.” S: “You think that’ll work?” C: “Hey doesn’t make many public appearances, anyways. And we’re adults, we can figure out what to do... It’s the least we can do for him.” -SLAM- S: “Uh-” C: “Lisem!” L: -heavy breathing- “I, am not,” S: “ボス! (Boss!)” L: “and will never be, a figurehead,” C: “Sorry, sorry, sorry...” L: “That’s damn right.” ... “Carl, get lost. Sara, come with me.” S: “What? Why?” L: “I’m gonna wake Erik up.” S: “What?!” L: “I will not be turned into a passive agent in my own life. Now come with me, and shut the door behind you, ok?”