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E: “He wants to meet him at the church. Tonight, at 12pm.” S: “Who is this guy?” E: “He’s... My old boss.” S: “So, he’s bad news?” E: “He’s the real deal.” ... “God, this is all my fault... I think I’m going to be sick.” S: “Not on my desk you won’t.” E: “Guy’s always had it out for me, especially after he got himself fired, but... God, he’s gonna kill him.” S: “Hey, hey. If he wanted to do that, Lisem would be dead by now.” E: ”Mmm.” S: “Are you crying?” E: “No.” S: “Erik-” E: “HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?! If Lisem can’t protect Lisem, what the hell am I supposed to do?! I can’t do anything for him!!” S: “Hey, come on, that’s not true.” E: “Sorry, sorry.” ... “I’m just gonna give the guy whatever he wants, even if it’s me.” S: “What?” E: “Lisem’s safety is the most important thing right now. He wants me, he can have me.” S: “ERIK D’YRIN! You better not be planning to do anything stupid!” E: “What else can I do?!” S: “Don’t worry.” ... “I’ll- I’ll come up with something.” E: “I-’m not sure-” S: “Erik, everything is going to end up just fine. I swear on my life.” E: “...Ok.”