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L: “Uuugh.” ?: “Ah, good morning, Lisem.” L: “Where am I?!” ?: “Can I call you Lisem? Is that to familiar?” L: “Answer me!” ?: “Oh, apologies. How rude of me. Let me take care of that for you.” ... “And here’s your glasses for you. You dropped them when I hit you from behind with that 2x4.” L: “I- Um- thanks.” ?: “My pleasure.” ... “I know you probably have a lot of questions, and I promise you, I’ll do my best to answer all of them. Please, ask away.” L: “Um... Where are we?” ?: “You can’t tell? We’re inside a liminal space.” L: “Oh, so you’re the one who covered that hole.” ?: “Yes, but I can do much more, I promise you that.” L: “Then why hit me with a wooden plank?” ?: “Ah, I didn’t know what you were immune to, sorry.” L: “Alright, that enough small talk. What do you want from me?” ?: “You? Hahaha! Nothing from you, my compact friend.” L: (Compact...?) ?: “Have you ever heard the expression, ‘the biggest worm catches the best fish?’” L: “No.” ?: “That’s because I just made it up.” L: “So, um, who’s the better fish?” ?: “Oh, well, I’m glad to hear you ask that!” ... “Only the man who lost me my job, and killed my little sister. Erik D’yrin.” -ring ring- S: “Rrggg” ... “もしもし? (Hello?)” E: “SARA I WAS TAKING LISEM TO SEE THIS HOLE AND THEN HE DISAPPEARED AND I CANT FIND H- AND THEN I LOOKED EVERYWHERE AND I COULDN’T FIND HIM AND ITS BEEN AT LEAST SIX HOURS AND IM REALLY-” S: “...What?” E: “I THINK SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO LISEM” S: “Maybe he just went home?” E: “HE LEFT HIS PHONE HERE” S: “Oh my god. Something’s happened to Lisem.” E: “HELP” E: “Oh, thank fuck- Sara, what do I do?!” S: “Well, how lost is he?” El: “Is lil’ Lis ok?!” E: “Oh, um, you’re-” El: “Eliy. Sara’s wife.” E: “Um... I don’t know, but I also found trace amounts of his blood at the scene...” El: “Oooh, um, that;s not good...” S: “Ok. We have two options here.” E: “You have a plan?!” S: “Either, Lisem ran off on his own, or something bad happened to him, like you say. Case one? He shows up at your house, since you have a phone, and he has a key. Case two? Someone calls the office, looking for a bribe.” ... “Eliy n’ I will take the office, we’ll call if anything happens. You just go home, ok?” E: “Are you sure?” S: “Yeah, yeah. And, Erik...” S: “Everything’s gonna be ok.” -gulp- E: “Mm.” -RINGGG- E: “SHIT! Hng on” ... “Sara, did you get a call yet?! I-” ?: “Good evening, Erik.” E: “H” ?: “My, my... It has been a while, hasn’t it?” L: “Now, wait, I- Hand on a moment!! You’re- You seem like a reasonable guy, um, and, Erik is dangerous, even I can tell that, but, he’s a good person! He-” ?: “Everything that man has told you is a lie.” ... “Erik D’yrin is a highly trained assassin, specifically prepared to kill political enemies of the F’nyek empire. When he left the army, he decided to put his skills to use elsewhere. Erik is a contract killer that works for a guild that only takes on psychic targets. Surely you know what that means for you, Lisem.” L: “But... Erik wouldn’t...” ?: “Isn’t it strange how quickly you two grew together? Or his knowledge of deadly weapons? His obvious psychic abilites? He can read emotions, you know. He’s an excellent liar.” L: “But... That would mean...” ?: “Yes?” L: “...The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”