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L: “Good morning, everyone! Carl, I want you to look at our city security. Sara, please allocate more funding to the education fund. Nyeam, help me prep for a voice call on Friday with some Ceyan reps.” J: “He’s back to normal.” S: “Good.” J: “What did you say to him?” S: “Nothing, really. He figured it out on his own.” ... “I guess... While I wasn’t looking, he really grew up, huh. Maybe he just needed a big dumb friend to talk to.” J: “There there, Sara.” -pat pat- L: “Hey, are you crying? I don’t pay you to cry.” S: “No, no.” L: “Good.” J: “Lisem, you can be a little insensitive.” L: “Hey, I’m a world leader, not a therapist.” S: “Geez.” -ring ring- L: “Hey, Erik.” E: “What... Lisem?” L: “Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about that hole.” E: “You woke me up.” L: “Sorry. Will you let me poke around some more tonight?” E: “I mean... Sure?” L: “I’ve been researching stuff, and I can’t find anything on the hole online, which is very strange. And exciting!” E: “Oh, yeah?” L: “Yes! And we didn’t see any tools down there. How are they digging?” E: “True, true...” ... “Oh, I’m getting another call. I’m gonna have to hang up, sorry.” L: “Oh, no problem. See you tonight.” E: “What do you want for dinner?” L: “Anything’s fine.” E: “Ok, ok. Bye.” L: “Day two of investigating.” E: “Don’t sound so annoyed, you begged me to take you here.” L: “No, I’m excited. I’ll be in the back room.” E: “Ok!” -THWACK!- L: “Uuuhhh”