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E: “Woah.” A: “Impressive, huh?” E: “It’s... Big.” A: “Yeah!” E: “Very old style. Reminds me of the ones in Eunic.” A: “Thank you! It’s older then most of the city, that’s for sure.” E: “Makes me wish I was religious.” A: “Aw, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll fine Adrestia soon.” E: “I doubt it.” A: “Aw, come on!!” E: “Mm.” A: “You don’t feel anything?” E: “No.” A: “Really?” E: “Nothing.” A: “Um... At any rate, we need some more security...” E: “Oh, I see. That’s why you brought me here.” A: “Yes. What do you think?” E: “Hm.” ... “Can I ask you what you think of Lisem?” A: “Well... He seems alright-” E: “You don’t have to lie to me, I’m not the police.” A: “Um...” ... “Well, I don’t know much about politics, but... I think that his politics could be dangerous to the chirch, here. He also seems... hard to get rid of, you know? He’s very good at his job, but very secretive.” E: “...Yeah, alright. I’ll bite.” A: “You’ll come work for us?!” E: “Yeah, yeah...” A: “Yay!”