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E: “Hey, weirdo. Have you seen a lighter around?” ?: “Oh, security! Um... We have a right to protest here!” E: “Relax. I’m just looking for my stuff.” ?: “Ah, ok, sir...” E: “Geez.” ... “There we go.” ?: “Oh, that almost hit me earlier!” E: “Sorry. My boss threw it out the window.” ?: “You work up there?” E: “Yeah, I work with the government.” ?: “Wow! That’s pretty amazing, sir!” E: “No it’s not.” A: “My name is Annabelle.” E: “That’s nice.” A: “Um... What about you?” E: “...Erik.” A: “That’s a nice name!” E: “So, what are you protesting?” A: “Oh! We’re the Archangels of Adrestia. We’re campaigning for APUS to become an Adrestian country, and more transparency within the government- most of us citizens have no idea how decisions are made, and we’d like to know, ya’hear?” E: “Well, the first part won’t happen, but the second actually makes sense.” A: “Thank you!” E: “If you wanna pitch the transparency issue to someone, I can take you upstairs.” A: “Really?!” E: “Yeah, sure. Gotta check you for weapons first, though.” A: “Of course!!” E: “Cool.” S: “No.” E: “No.” S: “No.” L: “Erik, why are you trying to waste my time on purpose with this?” S: “Sir, I got this-” L: “If you’re that mad, you can yell at me after hours. Don’t bring it into work.” E: “Not everything is about you.” L: “You’re in my office.” E: “There are normal people out there with feelings, too. You should listen to them.” L: “I don’t need to, if I’m right, Erik.” E: “Except when you’re not. Which seems to be a running theme recently, Lisem.” L: “I- Wh- How dare you question me! Do you run a country? Call me back when you run a country, bitch.” E: “If you can run one, it can’t be too hard. You’re an idiot.” L: “Wh-” ... “Son of a-” S: “Ok, ok!! Calm down!!” E: “That’s it. Lisem, until you can learn to handle yourself like an adult, consider me MIA. I’m gone.” L: “Fine! I only kept you on as a pity case, anyways!” E: “Fine!” ... “You can find me at home.” L: “Well, if I need to find a lazy slob, I’ll know where to go.” S: “Oh my god.” A: “Sir, did you just quit your job?” E: “I dunno.” A: “What are you going to do now?” E: “Wait til Lisem apologizes to me.” -ding- A: “Are you gonna be ok?! I feel awful, getting you in trouble...” E: “Nah, I got money. Lisem’s a jerk. Don’t worry about him.” ... “How old are you? You can drink, right?” A: “Um... Yes, sir. I’m 22.” E: “Good. Let’s go drink.”