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L: “Erik, I-” E: “It’s not your fault. She chose her path when she became an assassin, and when she decided to take on such a dangerous job. It happens to all of us.” ... “One day, that’ll be me in that grave.” L: “Please don’t say that.” E: “That’s just the way it is.” L: “I won’t let that happen.” ... “Erik, you’re my best friend, but you’re also my employee. If I let you die, what kind of a boss would I be?” E: “That’s... I feel better. Thanks.” L: “Yeah, yeah. I’m just relieved to be able to do something to make things even a little better.” ... “Are you going to come back to work?” E: “Uh... No, I’m a little worried that the people at the church are doing something suspicious, so I wanna keep an eye on them.” L: “Oh, ok.” E: “I’m sorry for being so hard on you.” L: “I deserved it.” E: “No, you don’t, I just... I got my own stuff going on.” L :”Ah, um, I’m sorry?” E: “Oh, it’s ok. I just can’t talk about it with you.” L: “Eh? I know I can be harsh, but...” E: “No, no. External reasons.” L: “Mm.” ... “Come here.” E: “Huh?” ... “W- W- What are you doing?!” L: “When I can’t speak, you give me a hug, and it makes me feel better.” E: “Oh!” L: “Don’t sound so surprised.” E: “Is it working?” L: “Yeah, it... It really is.” E: “Good.” ... “I love you, Lisem.” L: “What?” E:” NOTHING. Let’s go home, ok?” L: “Huh? Ok...” ... “You’re so weird...” E: “Yeah...” (Fuck.)