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(10/17/23) UPDATE 002

Hi, I'm Mike, I single-handedly make Iversia. Nothing you see here is corporate, I started writing it when I was around 17 and made a website a few years into it's run. Depending on when you read this I'm a different age but right now I'm 22, and I've been making comics since I was 14. It's not my job at all, I used to be a part-time university math librarian/tutor. I tutored everything up to DEQ and taught calc/math 104 to my private clients, I also graded/tutored proofs courses. I love math! Hopefully my writing isn't too inacessable. Iversia REALLY kicked off back in 2019 when I got the chance to entangle lasers at the University of Oregon, and I started formulating the idea of quantum interference manifesting as a physical object. The idea of using easy to generate photon interference as energy is neat to me, and the basis of the comic. Also gay people. That's like a joke or whatever but I really wanted to show the idea of unprofessionality in the professional space, and how that can hurt marginalized identities. And also how professionalism can be empowering. But a lot of Iversia has weird rules that I'm worried seem like they don't make sense, but I don't really feel like explaining the galeian-> lorenz conversions etc etc whatever, though I have a few ideas for fights that will use that and i think itll be REALLY cool. I'm looking forward to it, yahoo. Idk! It's an experience to take in. Next update should be soooooonish? It's hard bcs I have to do school as well but I like to have 40 pages done every 2 weeks or so. I like to keep the same update schedule as chainsaw man because it keeps me motivated lol. i take a lot of inspo from that because i really enjoy predicting the update next week and being right every time bcs im like "how would i write this thing?" so hopefully thatll be good for the movement of iversia. lol.

(10/23/23) UPDATE 003

man i felt fuckin good about getting this update (003) out. I'm gonna try to update this when i update the comic to let people know how it's going. my goal is still 40 pages every 2 weeks but im putting off real work so i got it done faster lol. i love lisem, he embodies everything the comic is. i said this on webtoons but it's pronounced "lee-sehm," it comes from リセメ in japanese. old urousadia spoke japanese but only "real" sadiric nobles could use regular kanji names, everyone else had to use kana, so that just became the norm. Most naming conventions of our Earth got thrown out the window in the past thousand years since adrestian intervention. ill get more into this later when we hopefully get a chance to discuss adrestia and anteros and their weird religion, and how Iversia's religion is a perverse obsession with scraps from our Earth. Hopefully. one can hope. i didnt get much of a chance in iversia one. WHICH I removed the link to because i like a lot of it, but I started it when i was 17. im 22 now. i obviously can't defend all or even MOST of the choices i made, the worst of which was having a character speak in leetspeek. i was trying to do a thing where they would be revealed to be a total incel which I may still do but it just comes across as CRINGE. and i dont like saying that. anyways, this iversia is almost completely distinct. i think its obvious im coming from the perspective of erik and original iversia takes lisems POV. its also long as fuck haha, its like 9 chapters and NOT PAGE BASED which made it really frustrating (and i literally went page-based at the end.) i felt iversia 1 was strongest when I was getting more confident in my page-layout abilities and now i feel happy when i can do scenes like nyem, lisem, erik, carl and sara all talking in one room. I can make it look intresting and like every person is an active member of the conversation, so I can make erik seem extra passive. obviously not groundbreaking stuff, but im happy! and im happy with the way page (i think) 38 looks, where erik gets hit. hope you think so too. I appreciate the nice comments ive gotten on neocities and all the followers and pageviews. its not a job lmfao but it makes me super duper happy. I would love to finish iversia2 and attempt to get a hardcover version done, that's my dream. anywho! thanks for reading.

11/8/23 interim update- break explanation

new iversia isnt up yet, im so sorry. usually i have them quicker then this. i really injured my wrist writing the first few updates + studying and finishing my midterm, ive been basically writing a few hours a day for months, on top of iversia. my surface pro is also broken, so the input sensitivity no longer functions as it should. Makes writing the thing a little tricky. i passed my deq test though, good for me. thank you for sticking with me!

1/12/24 UPDATE 004

ohhh mike is iversia dead. NO iversia is not dead. Many major behind the scenes updates: 1, I pitched a rejected book and series to viz. I sent the early copy of the book out to my followers a month ago but I'll put that on the website now that it's officially been rejected (when I have time). 2, i got an ipad, changing my ENTIRE workflow. I've had to relearn everything and I have only produced a few finished pages with the new tech, and I may have to scrap my current Iversia work, I dunno. It's kinda a mess over here because it's changing the look of all my linework since it's a new program but it's SO much better, especially on my hand, and for my own personal math work. I'm also back in school, so I need to really focus more on, you know, that. My wrist has still been in bad shape but I have been stretching it every day and practicing drawing for small stretches of time so I'm recovering slowly. Oh, and I passed both my modern phys course and my DEQ course... Meaning I'm officially qualified to talk about quantum physics to a limited extent, in my opinion. Anyways, thank you for staying with Iversia and supporting me! I am currently working on a pitch with my brother for an official Iversia book. The course of my life has changed a bit as I've progressed more in school, as giving out content for free online is a little... diminishing in terms of time to make it -> payoff. I'd rather work on making really good pitches for real companies, so if one goes through, I can make Iversia the best it can be with an editor and a guarentee of publication. I've been working on the series for over 4 years, so I know where I want it to go in the long term, I just need to make it happen. :P But once again, thank you for supporting me! My work's not going anywhere, and I never intend to stop creating Iversia and putting stuff on the website here. My timeline and goals have just shifted, so I hope that's understandable. Thanks!

3/30/24 UPDATE 005

i'm almost done with the full script for the first manga, ~150 to 180 pages, depending on how i end the final chapter. my goal for publication is a 1-2-3 manga compilation inspired by the formatting of fullmetal alchemist, and in order to do that I need a good 1 to 2/3rds of the book done. like, lined done. I'm only one man, and i've got all this school on top of it... when i am finished with the draft I will release an early sketched copy of book1 on my website and will let my email list know. thanks for your patience! i am still working on my science degree, attempting to get research experience while I can. if you've ever seen arrested development, I feel like i'm slowly turning into buster, staying in college for twenty years while living with my parents- i'm even taking an archeological field studies course this upcoming term... Anyways, I promise you I'm busting my ass over here to make the best comics I can! the kind of thing I wanted to make on Iversia's first run when I was 17. :-) ps: the website is only 600 views away from 100,000. What an honor it is to reach so many people in my life with my silly drawings! I'm sure many over the years have been bots, but for the humans who have sincerely read my work: you have touched my heart. Thank you greatly.